Quality Assurance Policy


To uphold our commitment to delivering exceptional provision, we implement a quality assurance cycle that continuously reviews performance and success metrics at individual, cohort, and Community Member levels.

Our quality assurance processes aim to:

Ensure all Community members achieve outstanding outcomes, with a particular focus on closely monitoring groups that are more likely to underperform.

Ensure compliance with ESFA, OfS, and Ofsted rules, regulations, and statutory duties.

Identify best practices and development areas for teaching and coaching staff.

Internal Processes

Learning Innovation & Operations (LIO) Leadership Meeting

Weekly meeting of LIO leads to analyze data, review key risk areas, and plan actions to quickly address emerging risks.

Senior Leadership Team

Weekly meeting of the entire company leadership team, including the VP of LIO, to review key business metrics and conduct business planning activities.

Quarterly Offsite: Review and Planning

Quarterly whole-company meeting to analyze performance from the previous quarter and share improvement plans for the next quarter.

Quality Subcommittee Meeting

Quarterly governance committee meeting with external members to hold LIO Leadership accountable for key performance metrics and improvement plans. Includes a review of the Self Assessment Report and Quality Improvement Plan, updated bi-annually.

Teaching and Coaching Reviews

All teaching and coaching staff are observed at least once per quarter and given individual feedback for improvement. The Coach Development Lead analyzes data from end-of-course surveys, post-coaching surveys, assessments, and staff observations to develop a termly calendar for weekly training sessions. Community Member data is tracked live on dashboards, with performance indicators discussed weekly during coach 1:1s. Ongoing performance issues are addressed through training and additional support.

Quarterly Programme Reviews (QPRs)

Quarterly review of each programme led by the programme lead and the product manager. Open sessions allow any company member to join. Data-driven sessions include results (completion and pass rates, Community Member final success metrics), core programme metrics (PRs, OTJ, NPS), and other key indicators. Leads identify trends and share actions for improvement.

Safeguarding Meetings

Monthly meetings between the Director of Advanced Programmes, the Safeguarding Lead, and the Head of Delivery Operations to review and discuss ongoing safeguarding issues. Trends are reviewed by the Community Management Board as part of ongoing quality assurance.

Assessment Review

Regular observations of exam invigilators ensure adherence to assessment regulations and proper conduct of assessments. Observations are conducted for all active invigilators during their first exam invigilation and at least annually thereafter.