Health and Safety Policy

Document ID: 2661/4.0 | Effective from: Feb 2024 | Owner: The Person Responsible for Safety | Status: Live

Statement of Intent

We believe a business environment that protects people helps them work safely, productively, and deliver high-quality work that creates business value and competitive advantage. To add life to a lifetime of learning, we must be committed to protecting the health, safety, and welfare of all who encounter our businesses around the world. To achieve this, we strive to meet the following key principles and outcomes.

We will:

Ensure our businesses and employees are aware of the operational and legal risk associated with their activities and have established appropriate measures to prevent injury & ill-health.

Establish and maintain an approach to health & safety that is proactive, systematic, integrated, flexible, supported, and relevant to the business.

Protect the value of our business not only by protecting people, but through avoidance of unnecessary loss and reduced insurance cost, allowing us to invest in the growth of our businesses.

I call on everyone to be familiarise yourself with this Policy, and to do your part in helping bring it to life.

A signature from Visibly's CEO



The scope of this Policy covers all Health and Safety management arrangements for Visibly Tech Limited and its subsidiaries which will be referred to throughout this document as 'Visibly.'

Our Health and Safety Policy & Standards have been developed in consultation with Health and Safety professionals and key stakeholders. It builds on existing practices as well as relevant standards.

This Policy will be reviewed on an annual basis and maintained through effective engagement with stakeholders.

Accountability & Responsibilities

Preventing injuries and ill-health requires commitment and accountability from everyone in our Company. Organisational and specific roles and responsibilities are detailed in Appendix A. Additional specific responsibilities may also be included within job descriptions, relevant policies, procedures, or terms of reference documents. Where this is the case, these responsibilities will be communicated to those concerned.

Our Health & Safety Management System

We implement and maintain an Integrated Management System (IMS) that aligns to ISO 45001. The roles, responsibilities, and standards further described in this policy help us ensure we are achieving the system’s goal, preventing harm to our employees and stakeholders.

Visibly's H&S management system following the Plan, Do, Check, Act process

Compliance and Standards

Our Health & Safety Standards outline how we ensure our people and operations are safe. Visibly shall ensure they meet local Health and Safety legislative requirements and must include implementation of the Visibly standards below . Any such system is subject to continual review.


We carefully identify and evaluate the potential hazards and risk associated with our workplaces and business activities, and we implement effective measures to mitigate the risk of injury or ill-health.

We understand and review relevant and applicable Health & Safety legal requirements, and ensure we are compliant with them.

We are proactive, effectively planning for H&S implementation and continual improvement, with clear accountability for action where appropriate.

Checking and Assurance

We report and investigate Health & Safety incidents, ensuring affected employees (and others) receive appropriate care, and identifying actions required to minimise future occurrence.

We carry out an effective Assurance Programme, to measure our progress and ensure we are effectively addressing risk that impacts our people and businesses.

Implementation & Operation

We effectively communicate Health & Safety information in our organisations and workplaces, including the establishment of appropriate training and awareness resources.

We prepare for emergency situations, ensuring the health and welfare of our people is paramount in such events.

We maintain appropriate documents and records to comply with legal requirements.

Governance & Assurance

All Leadership and Employees are to ensure appropriate appointments, resources, and governance processes are established to comply with this policy. To ensure timely competent advice/guidance is provided, Health and Safety Professionals must be appropriately engaged where potentially significant risks are identified.

The Competent Person will also support the assessment/mitigation of impacts to organisational work activity from policy changes, statutory requirement changes and enforcement actions.The Health & Safety Management System will be maintained through effective governance, oversight, partnerships, and performance assurance.

An effective Health and Safety Assurance program will be maintained by Health and Safety Professionals to advise the Board and Leadership of the effectiveness and compliance with this policy and opportunities for improvement.

Health and Safety Professionals will continuously review the impact of organisational change, work processes or external legal requirements to provide competent advice, guidance and to drive continual improvement of Health and Safety standards.