NHSS 12AB sector scheme document: 2024 updates ultimate guide

July 9, 2024

The 2024 NHSS 12AB sector scheme document updates are here! 

For those of you that don’t know, the sector scheme document covers quality management system requirements - specifically for static temporary traffic management on motorways and high-speed dual carriageways. Bit of a mouthful, hey? 

The document interprets ISO 9001:2015 for organisations and certification bodies in the sector and details what the minimum qualifications needed are - so people like you know what updates they need to make to their business. 

For those of you familiar with the document, you’ll know something else: it’s really, really long - and picking out updates each year isn’t always easy. 

That’s why we’ve done the hard work for you 😉 In this blog post, we’ll show you exactly where the changes are, why you should care about them and if there’s any action you need to take. 

Sound good? Let’s get into it.

Skip ahead:

Updates to the 12AB sector scheme document Introduction

Introduction point 9

Before 2024 Update
The SSD is a live document with the SSAC 12A/B meeting at least once a year to develop it as appropriate. Those using the document should always ensure that they have the current version of the document. The SSD may be obtained by visiting the UKAS website (www.ukas.com) from where the document can be freely downloaded.

Note: Information on relevant Certification Bodies may be obtained from the UKAS website.

This NHSS document is date specific. Organisations should have processes in place to ensure that the latest version is always available. Organisations should be aware that utilisation of internet search engines may result in out of date references being identified/called up.
The SSD is a live document and date specific with the SSAC reviewing it at least once a year. Those using the document are required to ensure that they have the current version of the document. The SSD may currently be obtained by visiting the Lantra website. Organisations should be aware that utilisation of internet search engines may result in out-of-date references being identified/called up.

Why you should care

You need to make sure you’re accessing the most up-to-date document on the Lantra awards website. Simple! 

What you need to do 

Update your legal register to include the correct document.

Introduction point 10

Before 2024 Update
Lantra hosts the register of organisations on their website. This is a self-registration list and it is a requirement of this scheme that organisations register their details on this website and keep them up to date; Certification Bodies will check that the organisation is registered on the website together with all relevant information, including a pdf copy of the current certificate of registration that the Certification Body issues and any other specific documentation to be uploaded specified by this SSD, prior to annual and surveillance visits. UKAS hosts the register of organisations on their website. It is the responsibility of the awarding Certification Body to register the employers NHSS(XX) details onto CertCheck and keep them up to date; Certification Bodies will check that the organisation’s registration and scope is up to date with all relevant information, and any other specific documentation to be uploaded specified by this SSD, prior to annual and surveillance visits.

Why you should care

The host of the register has changed. From now, you need to visit https://certcheck.ukas.com/ to see if your organisation’s registration and scope is up to date.

What you need to do 

Nothing - winning!

Introduction point 11

Before 2024 Update
Any observations, complaints or feedback relating to the operation of this document and the scheme should be addressed using the procedures given In Appendices J1, J2 or J3 as appropriate. Appendix J1 is to be used for observations and general queries concerning the document and general feedback. Appendix J2 relates to the assessment process carried out by Certification Bodies. Appendix J3 relates to policing of the scheme.
Completed J1 forms should be sent to the committee chairperson:
Completed J2 forms should be sent directly to the relevant Certification Body.
Completed J3 forms should be sent to the relevant Highway Authority, client or HSE as appropriate and indicated on the form.
Any observations, complaints or feedback relating to the operation of this document and the scheme should be addressed using the procedure given in Appendix J, using the Appendix J Form.

Why you should care

This is a new observations, complaints or feedback form which combines J1, J2 and J3 forms into one document. 

It’s now stated that the form will be acknowledged within 10 working days, if it’s not anonymised

What you need to do 

Nothing - unless you have an observation, complaint or feedback to report. 

New additions to 3. Terms and Definitions

New addition: Gateperson/airlock installer

Gateperson/Airlock Installer

A worker trained to operate work access points and install and remove equipment in relation to gates and airlock systems on selected sites. A Gateperson/Airlock Installer cannot install a closure.

Why you should care

This new definition outlines what an airlock installer is and what they are not able to do.

What you need to do 

Put the new definition in your method statement.

New addition: Mobile lane closure Block Vehicle (NHSS 12C)

Mobile Lane Closure (MLC) Block Vehicle (NHSS  12C)(04/24) 

A vehicle designed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 8 (10.7.6) 2009, fitted with a truck mounted attenuator (TMA), as per the specifications in TD49/07.

Why you should care

This new definition outlines what a MLC Block vehicle is. 

What you need to do 

Put the new definition in your method statement. 

New addition: Mobile Lane Closure (MLC) Traffic Management (04/24) 

Mobile Lane Closure (MLC) Traffic Management (04/24) 

To enable the closing of one or more lanes of a dual carriageway or motorway by using a Block Vehicle or Block Vehicles and the appropriate number of approved advance warning signs for the closure.

Why you should care

This new definition outlines what a MLC is. 

What you need to do 

Put the new definition in your method statement. 

New addition: Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) Skills Registration Card (or e-card)

(04/24) Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) Skills Registration Card (or e-card)  

A Skills Registration Card (or e-card), issued by Lantra, the Awarding Organization, which shows the level of competency achieved, the date of achievement, and the expiry date of the card, (digitally).  In some instances, it is also used as an identity card. 

Why you should care

This new definition outlines what an E-card is, what technical knowledge it indicates, and what’s on it. 

What you need to do 

Nothing for the moment. 

New addition: Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) Certificate 

(04/24) Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) Certificate 

A certificate issued by Lantra, the Awarding Organization, denoting the holder of the certificate has completed training ONLY and is working towards full qualification. NB: the holder can only work with as a trainee within a gang whilst working towards full qualification.

Why you should care

This new definition outlines what a temporary traffic management certificate means and what a holder is able to do, plus how long they’ll hold it until they need refresher training. 

What you need to do 

You might want to know this if you’re taking on a new employee or new learner and giving them training for this type of work. As you know, specific requirements include more than knowing your way around temporary traffic management equipment and the traffic signs manual. 

Updates to: 5. Organisational roles, responsibilities and authorities

5.3 Organisational roles, responsibilities and authorities

Before 2024 Update
Where required in the contract agreement, such information as necessary shall be included in a contract specific quality plan, (see Clause 7.5.1 and Appendix A). Where a quality plan is required by the contract, relevant organisational roles, responsibilities and authorities shall be included (see Clause 7.5.1 and Appendix A). Based on industry best practice, current technologies and innovation , the organisation will only use appropriately qualified workers who are capable and responsible for fulfilling the roles and activities required to meet the scope of works covered by the organisation's registration to this sector scheme.

Why you should care

The document is emphasising for workers to be qualified.

What you need to do 

Keep an eye on your workers’ qualifications. 

New additions to 7. Support

7.1.2 People

Before 2024 Update
Nothing in the document - this is a new addition. A traffic management company shall maintain a minimum of 8 accredited Static Temporary Traffic Management personnel to meet the 12A requirements of this scheme, which shall include 2 TMFs. A minimum complement of 6 accredited Static Temporary Traffic Management personnel is required to meet the 12B requirements of this scheme, which shall include 2 LTMOs/TMFs.

Why you should care

To be compliant your business must maintain the minimum number of appropriately trained staff.

What you need to do 

Make sure your logbook list of appropriately trained staff is up-to-date. 

7.1.2 People

Before 2024 Update
Nothing in the document - this is a new addition. The organisation shall ensure that any Static Temporary Traffic Management (04/24) personnel sourced from a labour only supply agency is appropriately qualified and certificate or card holding for the work activities they are undertaking.

Why you should care

Your business has a duty of care to make sure anyone who is sourced is trained and competent to work on the scheme.

What you need to do 

Before an operative visits your site and safety zones, you need to request their competency checks to make sure they’re compliant. 

7.1.2 People

Before 2024 Update
Nothing in the document - this is a new addition. Important note: An operative holding a valid, in date, skills registration card for NHSS Issue 4 Page 22 of 85 NHSS-12AB 12D at M2 level or above (excluding M7 only registered personnel), may work on NHSS12AB sites as a trainee only, without the need to have a valid, in date, TTMBC or 12AB Operative certificate.

Why you should care

This is good news! If the operative has the required skills card (NHSS-12D) at M2 or above they are allowed to work on an NHSS 12AB site. 

From an operational point of view, you can now use more members of staff as trainees without putting them through the NHSS 12A B general operative course.

What you need to do 

We’d recommend allocating the operatives with a 12D M2 or above the 12AB trainee status on your training matrix.

7.1.2 People

Before 2024 Update
The 12B LTMO Course 12A was not previously required for the 12A Traffic Management Foreman (Foreperson) (TFM) course. 12A Traffic Management Foreman (Foreperson) (TMF) needs to have completed the following courses:
  • TMO course
  • TMO assessments
  • Register as TMO
  • 12B LTMO Course
  • 12A Foreperson course

Why you should care

This will impact the training programme, as a Traffic Management Operative is no longer able to sit the foreman’s course before going on the 12B LTMO course.

What you need to do 

You might want to add these new pre-requisites into any existing training programmes you have in place for your TMO.

7.2 Smart’ Skills Registration Cards (e-Cards)

Before 2024 Update
Nothing in the document - this is a new addition. For competency expiry dates the end user will be required to scan their smart card (e-card). Options available are: CSCS and Lantra

Why you should care

Introducing online platforms for checking competency expiry dates does two things: 

  • It streamlines verification  
  • Reduces manual processing 

In turn, this will improve accuracy, minimise human error and increase confidence in credential validity. 

Transitioning to electronic cards makes sure you’re compliant with industry standards and aligned with credentialing and identification regulations.

What you need to do 

Inform all employees on the available platforms that they’re able to carry out these checks.

Updates to: 8. Operations

8. Operations

8.4.1 General

Before 2024 Update
The organisation shall establish procedures to ensure that all resources conform to the Contract Specification.

All copies of certification to this scheme shall, on request, be passed to the Client. Signs shall be obtained from a registered supplier conforming to the requirements of National Highway Sector Scheme 9A of Appendix A of the Specification for Highway Works (SHW) for the Manufacture of Traffic Signs.

(10/17)Where contracts requires temporary vehicle restraint systems to be installed please refer to NHSS 2B and IAN 142 Temporary Barrier Decision Tool (TBDT)
Delivery documentation shall be inspected by a competent worker to verify that the delivery satisfies the purchase requirements.

The organisation shall identify and plan the supply and installation processes. The control procedures shall verify that suppliers of incoming materials, equipment and services are capable of providing the required quality and adequate supplies in order to maintain the planned rate and quality of production of the installation (e.g. pavement repair).

(i) For highway use, appropriate products shall be UK/CE marked complying with the relevant harmonised European Standard as applicable to the national regulation or be proprietary.

(ii) Where the provision of ancillary activities such as road marking or temporary traffic management are procured only organisations with valid Registration to the relevant NHSS Standard shall be used.

Why you should care

Inspect delivery documentation, and you’re making sure the products you receive meet your quality assurance standards and specifications.

What you need to do 

Make sure relevant checks have been carried out prior to delivery, and only use approved suppliers.

8.4.1 General

Before 2024 Update
Nothing in the document - this is a new addition. Materials, products and services shall be selected in accordance with the contract (specification) documents including valid registration to other relevant NHSS Standards. See Lantra's Schedule of Suppliers for current listing of NHSS Standards.

Why you should care

When it comes to procurement decisions, selecting materials, products and services according to contract specifications and NHSS standards ensures: 

  • Quality 
  • Compliance 
  • Project success 
  • Risk mitigation 
  • Transparency

What you need to do 

Make sure the relevant checks have been carried out before making a procurement decision, and only use approved suppliers.

Updates to: 10. Improvement

10. Improvement

10.3 Continual Improvement

Before 2024 Update
Nothing in the document - this is a new addition. Continual improvement processes shall include analysis of near miss reporting (04/24) Note: Highways Accident Reporting Tool (HART) National Highways revised GG128 guidance came into force on 1st April 2023. This guidance advises all suppliers what and when to report incidents on to HART.

Why you should care

Near miss reporting is really important. It improves your health and safety standards, and makes your service more reliable, and proactively identifies hazards and reduces accidents.

What you need to do 
  • Familiarise yourself with the new near miss reporting process (which you can find in the National Highways’ GG128 guidance). 
  • Make sure your staff are trained on how to identify and report near misses effectively. 
  • Review any incidents or near misses that have occurred since the new reporting processes were implemented. 
  • Take appropriate action to address any identified hazards or safety concerns.

Updates to: Appendix

Appendix C - Traffic Management Operative (TMO)

Before 2024 Update
Nothing in the document - this is a new addition. For 12A/12B (04/24) National Highways have advised that assessment can only be conducted during live works, including maintenance, on the strategic road network

Why you should care

Assessments for 12A/12B personnel can only be conducted during live works, including maintenance, on the strategic road network. 

Assessments may now be more tightly regulated and aligned with specific operational conditions. This will lead to higher standards of competency and safe systems of work in traffic management activities on the strategic road network.

What you need to do 

Nothing - just be aware!

Appendix C1 - Sample Card

Before 2024 Update
Nothing in the document - this is a new addition. Lantra NHSS12ABCD E-Card:

CSCS’s Smartcheck app verifier:

NHSS12ABCD Smartcard for 12ABCD Temporary Traffic Management:

The skills registration Smartcard (this card is accessible by Go Smart only) is issued in accordance with this Sector Scheme document and the Lantra centre specification and carries the CSCS logo. It is not endorsed with the HS&E hologram logo as the CITB Highways Touchscreen Test is not a requirement for this card. The Lantra TM/CSCS Smartcard does not have the TTM skill of the holder displayed but when this card is checked via CSCS or Lantra these platforms will display the skills of the card holder and associated expiry dates. Important Note: the card checking platform Go Smart will be turned off on 31 March 2024. After this date, attempted CSCS card ‘reads’ via Go Smart will not work. All existing Go Smart users should transition to SmartCheck or the Lantra website from this date. Please go to CSCS or Lantra.

Why you should care

This is really important. It outlines the verification process for the skills registration Smartcard - which is a key credential for your workers and sub-contractors.  

Understanding how to verify the validity and skills associated with the Smartcard means that you can confidently assess the qualification of the workers on your projects, and maintain safety and quality standards.

What you need to do 

Nothing - winning!

Appendix F- Certification Bodies Accredited for this Sector Scheme

Before 2024 Update
Information on certification bodies accredited against this scheme can be found on the UKAS website.

Advice on the current accreditation status of certification bodies to assess against this document should be sought from UKAS (Tel 01784 429000)
(04/24) Information on certification bodies accredited against this scheme can be found on the UKAS website. to identify the certification bodies on the website. The search facility is not guaranteed to return accurate results and so the following process should be followed in full:
• Place the cursor onto 'Find' box in the top right hand corner. • In the Search box under “Search Accredited Organisations” enter “Highway Sector Scheme No 8” (including the inverted commas) (you can optionally also enter your Post Code)
• Left click 'search'
• Left click on ‘Certification Bodies’ - this then lists the certification bodies who may be accredited.
• Click on the particular Certification Body you are interested in and review their Schedule of Accreditation to see whether their scope includes NHSS 8 (this should be towards the end of the Schedule of Accreditation). Note that this may be shown as a title only or a title with, for example, “Highway Sector Scheme No 8” or “Highway Sector Scheme No 8, 9B & 10” (the former number of this NHSS). Note 1: This process will not identify certification bodies that do not have “sector scheme No X” in their scope, but which may have only “NHSS X” or “sector scheme X”. To complete the full list of accredited CBs it will be necessary to repeat the process (at least twice) by typing in “NHSS X” or “sector scheme X” as appropriate at bullet point 3. This should then list the certification bodies who are accredited to the scheme and their details can be found by clicking on the appropriate links. Note 2: Advice on the current accreditation status of certification bodies to assess against this document should be sought from UKAS (info@ukas.com).

Note 3: Certification Bodies interested in being accredited by UKAS for this Sector Scheme should contact UKAS. Note 4: Organizations currently registered to ISO 9001 with a UKAS (or equivalent) accredited certification body that does not hold registration to this NHSS may wish to consider the following option. Continuing to be registered with their existing Certification Body but having the interpretation of the NHSS carried out by and in conjunction with a UKAS accredited certification body for this scheme.

Why you should care

The document now provides detailed instructions on how to find certification bodies accredited against the scheme on the UKAS website. 

It also helps provide further guidance on the accreditation status of certification bodies, and options for organisations currently registered to ISO 9001 - but not to the NHSS.

What you need to do 


Appendix H: 2.3

Before 2024 Update
Nothing in the document - this is a new addition. (04/24)The organisation’s auditor shall record the company’s registration to this sector scheme on the UKAS/Certcheck website. It is the responsibility of the auditing CB to maintain their client’s certification/registration on UKAS/CertCheck.

Why you should care

This update introduces new requirements about recording and maintaining certifications on the UKAS/CertCheck website. It also assigns specific responsibilities to the auditing certification body. The update has the following benefits: 

  • Easy verification on UKAS/CertCheck
  • Simplified compliance checks, which saves time
  • Ensures up-to-date regulatory compliance, which reduces risk

What you need to do 

Start using the UKAS/CertCheck website to verify the certification status of Temporary Traffic Management companies, and make sure you’re engaging with certified and compliant organisations.

Appendix O

Before 2024 Update
Old version focuses on the process for registering on Lantra's Schedule of Suppliers website and the responsibilities of organisations in maintaining their registration details, while the new version introduces the transition to UKAS CertCheck and provides information about its functions and how it works for certification verification. Transition to UKAS CertCheck: "As from 16 June 2022, the process for registering on the Schedule of Suppliers has been superseded by UKAS CertCheck. No new certificates will be accepted by Lantra after 16 June 2022."

Continuation of Lantra’s Role:"Lantra will continue to display National Highway Sector Scheme published documents on the current Schedule of Suppliers website: https://www.lantra.co.uk/national-highway-sector-schemes-nhss/schedule-of-suppliers

Introduction to UKAS CertCheck:"UKAS CertCheck website: https://certcheck.ukas.com

Principal Functions of UKAS CertCheck:"To provide a centralised service that gives further confidence to people who rely upon the assurance provided by UKAS accredited certification."

"To assist in the combatting of fraudulent claims of UKAS accredited certification or organisations who attempt to portray non-accredited certification as holding the same value as accredited certification."

How UKAS CertCheck Works:"CertCheck is a verification database and works by allowing users to verify that a claim of holding UKAS accredited certification, for all certification; including the National Highway Sector Scheme (NHSS), is valid. This is done by searching for the certificate number or registered trading name of the certified organisation. This will result in the details of the certification held being displayed; including the scope of certification, date issued, locations covered and the awarding Certification Body."

Why you should care

This new addition introduces UKAS CertCheck, which: 

  • Provides enhanced verification of certifications 
  • Combats fraudulent claims
  • Ensures complaints 
  • Offers assurance of accredited certification 

In turn, this leads to more informed decision-making for you and your control officer and improved risk assessments - which lead to reduced risk for your business.

What you need to do 


Appendix P

Before 2024 Update
The previous version of the document doesn’t mention these new additions. Truck Mounted Attenuator Test(04/24)
The aim of the TMATA test is to verify that IPVs are safe to use, then certify accordingly. IPVs will only be certified if the critical components tested are deemed to meet the relevant standards (manufacturers’ specification, CD378 compliance, Chapter 8 compliance, and Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations 1989).
The TMATA servicing and maintenance standard shall apply only to all impact protection vehicles fitted with truck mounted attenuators (TMA’s) compliant to DMRB standard CD378 - Impact test and assessment criteria for truck mounted attenuators (formerly TD49/07). All non-compliant TMA’s are not recommended for use on the Strategic Roads Network, whether directly or indirectly associated to traffic management and vehicle recovery operations.

Why you should care

These new additions:

  • Enhance safety standards
  • Ensure regulatory compliance
  • Optimise vehicle performance 
  • Mitigate risks 
  • Hold suppliers accountable 

They also provide valuable guidance for maintaining safe working practices and efficient temporary traffic safety management operations - which is ultimately good for both workers and road users.

What you need to do 
  1. Update internal procedures to align with the new standards
  2. Conduct regular audits for ongoing compliance
  3. Train staff on new requirements
  4. Update your legal register

12AB sector scheme document updates: final thoughts

Keep on top of the 2024 updates to the 12AB sector scheme document, and your temporary traffic management industry business will be kept compliant with safety legislation and up-to-date. If you need further guidance on any of the changes indicated above, reach out to kane@visiblyhq.com - he’ll be happy to answer any questions.

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